Thursday 5 June 2014

Paris White T Shirt -

  1. Paris
    Capital of France
  2. Paris is the capital and most populous city of France. It is situated on the Seine River, in the north of the country, at the heart of the Île-de-France region.

Paris White T Shirt

News: (BBC)

Flower market in Paris named after Queen on state visit

The Queen will have a flower market in Paris named after her during her three-day state visit to France.
The market will be known as Marche aux Fleurs - Reine Elizabeth II in tribute to the monarch as a special honour from the people of the French capital.
The Queen will tour the market on the final day of her trip.
The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh will arrive in Paris on Thursday before travelling to Normandy for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.
The royal couple will take part in a commemorative event at the site of the invasion of Europe by Allied forces on 6 June 1944, meeting veterans and marking the sacrifices of those who liberated the continent from Nazi Germany.
The Queen will be joined by the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Speaking ahead of the visit, Britain's ambassador to France, Sir Peter Ricketts, said: "I personally think this is going to have a big, big impact in France.
"The sense I get here is real excitement and pride really that the Queen is coming back for this visit.
"This is a moment full of symbolism, full of history. The Queen has a very special relationship with France.
'Huge affection'
He added: "As you know, she first came here in 1948 as Princess Elizabeth - just married - and many, many French people of my age and older remember that and feel they've known the Queen ever since because she's come very regularly, five state visits but many other visits as well.
"They know she speaks French very well, that she likes being in France and I feel there is huge affection in France for the Queen and the Royal Family.
"So there is a real warmth and affection and I think you'll feel that through this state visit."
The royal couple will be welcomed in the centre of Paris by French President Francois Hollande.
As they travel along the Champs Elysees in a limousine their route will be lined by 146 mounted members of the Republican Guard.
Later at a birthday party event for the Queen held at the ambassador's residence in Paris, British food and drink will be served to guests including World War Two veterans from France and the UK.
A state banquet in the Queen's honour will be held at Elysee Palace on Friday evening.

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