Sunday 8 February 2015

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2015 Yearly Horoscope for Taurus


Ruts be damned -- you're going to break that rusty cage this year, Taurus! 2015 is all about releasing the dross from your life so that you can embrace some glorious new horizons. Letting go is your least favorite endeavor, and yet you've nearly achieved mastery when it comes to non-attachment in your relationships. You've been there and done that when it comes to enduring the pain that ensues from clinging too tightly. You're learning to appreciate what you have in the moment, count your blessings and stay present in the gratitude of what is rather than what was or what could be. This is a year to make your existing structures stronger and expand on your fabulous vision. Magic is yours for the making in 2015! 
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This is also a year for reconnecting to your roots of strength and creativity in preparation for a steamy little romantic cycle that kicks off this August. Pleasure and love are yours in great abundance from late summer until well into 2016, so savor every second! This good fortune in your love department comes but once every 12 years, so you don't want to miss it by remaining stuck in your loyal zone of duty and responsibility. Give yourself permission to break free for those late summer months to truly indulge in the goodness that life insists on delivering in a major way.

You can finally let down your guard as Big Daddy Saturn bid his final farewell to your relationship zone and opposite constellation of Scorpio. The pressure is off with the exception of a brief return between June and September. Consider this the relationship tune-up of the year. You've survived some major shadow work with significant others and faced your own dark side. You're ready for a reprieve and some serious vacation days. 2015 is sure to deliver this and more! Jupiter will spend the first half of the year at the base of your horoscope bringing courage, optimism and an expansive outlook. You're feeling more generous than you have in over a decade with the need to lavish yourself and loved ones like royalty. You're also more obsessed with making your home your kingdom (queendom) than ever before. There is a potent Venus Retrograde cycle taking place this summer between your love zone and your home sector. You're learning to really embody the lover in you. You live for love, beauty and affection and will no longer feel the need to make any excuses or apologies where those essentials are concerned. Work and health continue to be two major areas of focus this year as the Nodes of Fate finish up the work that began in 2014. The obsession with curating the perfect daily schedule is quite overwhelming at times but the results are worth it. You may actually achieve that ever-elusive balance once and for all, Taurus.


This could easily be one of the most romantic years on record, Taurus. It only comes but once every 12 years that Jupiter brings his lotto-worthy luck to your love life. Starting this August, Jupiter graces your romance zone until well into 2016. In late September and through October, Mars will join Jupiter to really get the party started. You will have more energy than you probably know what do with. You're a loyalist by nature, so you will need a partner that can keep up with your libido this year. Your sexual prowess hits an all time high in late summer-early fall and you're the true embodiment of sex-magic, darling. You've earned this deliciousness after all that you've endured in 2014. You've seen enough trials and tribulations and loss with relationships to last you for the rest of your life. You wear the crown of having learned the hard way to love from a place of strength rather than need in 2014, and this has truly empowered you in the way you mate, date or relate. No longer codependent, needy or clingy, you're a true lover in the highest sense.

The Nodes of Fate will continue to teach you about reciprocity and balance in relationships until the end of this year. You are legendary for your stubborn qualities and potential greedy, needy fixed-Earth energy when it comes to taking more and never feeing quite satiated. That said, you are always one to come through on your word and promises and that counts for a lot in this day and age of fickle commitments. However, this year you may feel torn between being true to your independent streak and the ongoing duty and responsibility you feel towards your loved ones. You are looking to break free while simultaneously going deeper in love. This is no mean feat, but if anyone can conquer the impossible with patience and perseverance, it's you!


You'll have the ongoing presence of the North Node of Fate in your work zone all year long, Taurus. All of the important balance and beauty skills that you got under your belt in 2014 will come in mighty handy as the planets push you to the next level with your projects this year. The quest for the perfect daily schedule can easily became an all-consuming obsession under this influence, so try to keep some perspective on it and let go of all perfectionistic tendencies. Nothing is perfect, nor do you want it to be. Balance is a constant work-in-progress, Taurus. Once you start something, you will not shift modes or directions unless someone comes and physically forces you out of the trenches you have dug those stubborn little heels of yours into for the duration. You're learning about flexibility this year as well as resourcefulness. Saturn, the taskmaster will be working on your house of resourcefulness and deep research. Get ready to uncover some of your deepest fears as well as strengths when it comes to getting to the bottom of your true desires and worldly ambition this year.

This April could easily be one of your most productive spurts as Mars powers up your stars. You prefer to take things slow and steady, but this may be your one exception to the rule, Taurus. Of course you'll never rush anything, but you will gain momentum during this high-energy phase. In June, the cosmic taskmaster (Saturn) will move back into your house of clients and contracts to tie up any loose ends and unfinished business from 2014. This is your chance to get the full closure you've been waiting for and leave behind any toxic connections or contracts once and for all. Next, your sweet ruling planet (Venus) will go retrograde at the base of your chart in July and August which would be an ideal time to take a bit of a sabbatical as your desire to do as close to nothing as possible will surely prevail. Finally, the last quarter of the year is your chance for really pulling everything together as you have the creative influence, joy and backing from Jupiter to make your work more like play. This is by far one of the most creative career phases you have experienced in over a decade, Taurus! Cheers!

Friday 6 February 2015

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Astrology, yearly 2015 


You're like the horse (Ram) ready to break out of the gate this year, Aries! The cosmic taskmaster has finally moved on from the underworld sector of your horoscope giving you a break from all of the painful inner work of facing your demons. You've literally been to hell and back since 2012. You've faced your darkest fears, delved into your deepest insecurities and uncovered the most complex layers of your sexuality. Now you're ready for a breath of fresh air.

2015 is about breaking new ground and reconnecting with your spiritual path in a new way. Enough wallowing in the darkness. Travel beckons and you will be reworking your entire philosophy and worldview while seeking important mentors and guides. Only those with tried-and-true experience and wisdom will do. You have a discerning eye when it comes to whom you will allow into your sacred world in 2015. You've learned the hard way what it means to be too trusting in that naive Aries way. This doesn't mean you have to lose your innocence. On the contrary, you'll be reconnecting with your childlike spirit more than ever before. This is the year to get back in touch with your strength so that your inner kid feels totally safe and free to express with wild abandon. Creativity and work has never felt so compelling and rewarding as it will this year -- especially during the second half of the year.

Keep your head up, Aries. Although you've become the master of release, you've likely had enough letting go and loss for one lifetime. This year completes the end of a 19-year nodal cycle with the South Node (attachments of the past) in your stars until December of this year. This has to do with releasing ego, and any of the more domineering, me-centered ways notorious of your sign. You're learning the art of compromise and diplomacy like never before. The good news is that this South Node in Aries cycle won't return for another 19 years. Use this year's finale to purge your life of all that no longer serves you. Travel lightly because there's so much new coming in. Venus will have her annual retrograde cycle this summer, which means a return of old lovers and love themes. You'll also experience a sense of falling in love with your work, or with old projects, in a way that surprises you this summer. 
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March is your strongest mojo month as your ruler, Mars, will move into your stars for the entire month. Use this powerful time to get back into tip-top shape and push your goals and desires to the next level. You'll continue to have the unpredictable and rebellious influence of Uranus in your stars traveling quite close to the South Node. You're truly breaking patterns and coming out of major stagnation this year. If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to be fearless, this is your year to experience that power of total not-giving-a-damn power. You're stepping into the fiery fierceness of your most authentic self this year, Aries! Own it! Live it! Love it!


You may be taking a hiatus from putting too much emphasis on your love life until spring, and there's nothing wrong with that. Of course, you're one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac, so this probably means you will put 60 instead of 90 percent of your attention on romance at the start of the year (at least until March). If you're still in the midst of a karmic love tangle, you may be reworking the terms of your union until April. The theme of negotiation in the whole give-and-take cycle continues for another year. Reciprocity is a major theme again. The full force of the love drug returns when Jupiter goes direct in your romance and pleasure zone this April. Enjoy this strong love influence until Jupiter moves into your work zone in August. You'll also have the North Node of fate in your relationship zone until December, so this year is highly significant for learning many important lessons in love. Think of this as the next level of all the relationship wisdom you've tucked under your belt in 2014. 

March is one of the sexiest months on record, as you have both Venus and Mars in your stars at the same time. Don't miss out on this super-powered influence of desire and physicality. You'll feel like a total magnet during this time and will have a hard time not jumping headfirst into a new love affair. You will definitely have to fend off your adoring fans during this time, Aries. Spring fever will take on a whole new level of meaning.

If you are incomplete with a soul mate from your past (or your present), use Saturn's brief retrograde phase into your house of sex and intimacy between June and August to get some final closure. Unfinished lessons from late 2014 may also resurface during this time. Consider this summer you opportunity for a sexy little do-over. There are always second chances, darling. You're learning so much about yourself through the lens of love, and you've certainly seen the good, the beautiful, the bad and the ugly -- and lived to tell.


Use the first quarter of 2015 to really accelerate before Pluto goes retrograde in your career zone in April. The career breakthrough theme is present all year long as Pluto continues to introduce you to new levels of your power and potential, Aries. Add to this the innovative tension from experimental Uranus in your own stars, and the alchemy is ripe for cutting-edge ingenuity in your chosen field. The tension between these two planets in the beginning of the year pushes you to embody the highest level of your integrity and nothing less. In fact, you can't get away with anything second-rate, and you know and feel this at your very core. Just be careful not to push yourself to the point of total exhaustion. There is a tendency to fry your nervous system by overdoing it. Pluto and Uranus have a relentless way of pushing you to your edge, which is excellent for your creative potential, but hard on your nerves. 

Mars will start the year off right by powering up your house of long-term goals and social connections, so work those contacts. Use January to network until you drop. You can retreat in February when Mars goes into your dream zone. March will be your month to really jump in headfirst when Mars moves into your own stars. In April, Jupiter will come out of retrograde in your creativity zone, so expect any frustrations and delays to lift and the abundance of pleasure in self-expression to dominate the scene until August. August through December is especially lucky, expansive and busy as Jupiter moves into your work zone. This summer will be more about process than outcome, so think of amping up productivity levels earlier in the year.

Mentors, teachers and guides play an important role in facilitating your next level of learning this year. You'll have Saturn, the planet of wise elders in your house of teachers and higher education for most of the year. Saturn will retrograde in March, which could cause you to step back and rethink your choice of teachers or reconnect with mentors from your past. There could be some unfinished business this summer when Saturn returns for a short stint in the sector of your horoscope that rules what you owe to others. Pay off any lingering debt once and for all before the Autumnal Equinox if possible. This is is your year to integrate your self-expression and creativity into your career for maximum joy, abundance and happiness all around. You're going to go far, Aries, and you can thank your fabulous mentors for that this year!

Friday 30 January 2015

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Astrology consists of several pseudo-scientific systems 

of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship

 between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Many cultures have attached importance to 

astronomical events, and the IndiansChinese

and Mayans developed elaborate systems for predicting 

terrestrial events from celestial observations. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system 

of horoscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life 

based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial

 objects at the time of their birth. The majority of professional

 astrologers rely on such systems.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Tuesday 6 January 2015