Friday 11 April 2014

Be Happy Bitch T Shirt (Silver Print)

  • Happiness brings large social rewards and interactions, superior work outcomes including higher income, more energy and activity, greater self-control and coping abilities, a bolstered immune system, and longevity.

Buy this cool t shirt here

Be Happy Bitch T Shirt (Silver Print)
  • Happy people demonstrate a self-serving bias, believing they are healthier, able to get along better with others, are more fun, have good ideas, are more intelligent, and are more ethical than others.

  • People who are positive about ageing live 7.5 years longer than those with less positive perceptions. Interestingly, this benefit surpasses the results for smoking cessation, exercise, and obesity control.

  • People with increased SWB (subjective well-being) demonstrate high personal confidence, self-esteem, personal mastery, and control.

  • Happy people feel like they are in control and are empowered.

  • Characteristics related to positive affect include confidence, optimism, self-efficacy, liability, pro social behaviour, activity, energy, physical well-being, flexibility, creativity, and the ability to cope with stress.

  • People who experience positive emotions, namely joy and contentment, right after experiencing negative emotions recover faster cardiovascular than ones who have no positive emotional experience. This suggests that positive emotions may fuel psychological resilience.

  • In a longitudinal study of older Mexican Americans, individuals with higher reported positive affect versus lower positive affect were half as likely to have become disabled or dead during a two-year follow-up.

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