Friday 7 November 2014

#John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014 #story

Hankies out! Is this Christmas's most heart-melting ad? ...But golly, the toy penguin costs £95! 

As Christmas traditions go, it’s hardly venerable, dating back as far as, ooh, 2009. 
But there is no denying that the John Lewis Christmas TV ad is a huge annual talking point — and this year’s offering, featuring a year in the life of a boy called Sam and his lovelorn pet penguin Monty, is every bit as winsome as its predecessors. 
Set to the soundtrack of John Lennon’s Real Love, sung by Tom Odell, the advert debuts on TV today during the first commercial break on Channel 4’s Gogglebox. 
Here’s how the heart-melting story unfolds... 

The ad begins in spring with Sam and Monty watching the cartoon Pingu. Monty, created using CGI, was modelled on an Adelie penguin from Antarctica

The ad begins in spring with Sam and Monty watching the cartoon Pingu. Monty, created using CGI, was modelled on an Adelie penguin from Antarctica

The scene changes to Sam building Lego as Monty drops blocks into his hand. Seven-year-old Rhys Edwards, from Hertfordshire, was picked from 100 children to play Sam

It’s now summer so, in a scene filmed in London’s Victoria Park, Monty cools off in a lake. Effects agency MPC spent months viewing film of penguins to perfect his moves
It’s now summer so, in a scene filmed in London’s Victoria Park, Monty cools off in a lake. Effects agency MPC spent months viewing film of penguins to perfect his moves

As autumn draws in, Monty and Sam play football. In fact, this scene was filmed in summer — just out of shot are several assistants with electric blowers, blasting dried leaves into the air

Sam tucks into his fish fingers and sneaks one into Monty’s beak. In reality, it was dropped into the hand of a crew member before Monty’s CGI body was added later

The pair are sitting on the sofa engrossed in a classic black-and-white movie. As Monty gazes at the lovers embracing onscreen, his eyes widen wistfully

The pair are sitting on the sofa engrossed in a classic black-and-white movie. As Monty gazes at the lovers embracing onscreen, his eyes widen wistfully

Winter has arrived and Sam sledges down a hill while Monty slides past him. Sam was pulled down the hill by a rope attached to the toboggan, while Monty’s image was added later

As Monty reaches the bottom, he catches sight of a loving couple and again looks wistful. Two machines were needed to churn out enough fake snow for the scene

On a bus going to see the Christmas lights, Monty spots a couple cuddling on a bench. The penny drops for Sam

Sam and Monty head downstairs on Christmas morning to find several presents under the tree. Sam covers Monty’s eyes, as one is for him

Surprise! Realising Monty has been pining all year, Sam’s present is Mabel, another penguin. Real Adelie penguins live in colonies of thousands, so Monty can be forgiven for feeling blue

This is a real hanky moment. Monty rushes over making delighted cooing noises and the two tenderly rub beaks. As Adelie penguins mate for life, the omens are good

This is a real hanky moment. Monty rushes over making delighted cooing noises and the two tenderly rub beaks. As Adelie penguins mate for life, the omens are good

Sam smiles at his parents. In his hands he has two cuddly toy penguins, which only come to life in his imagination. Monty is old and battered, but Mabel looks bright and new. Sam has bought her to keep Monty happy

Sam smiles at his parents. In his hands he has two cuddly toy penguins, which only come to life in his imagination. Monty is old and battered, but Mabel looks bright and new. Sam has bought her to keep Monty happy.

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