Sunday 30 March 2014

Blue Heart T Shirt

Blue Colour
 is the colour of the clear sky  and the deep sea. On the optical spectrum,  blue is located between violet and green.
Surveys in the U.S. and Europe show that blue is the colour most commonly associated with harmony, faithfulness, and confidence. In U.S. and European public opinion polls it is overwhelmingly the most popular colour, chosen by almost half of both men and women as their favourite colour.It is also commonly associated with the sky, the sea, ice, cold, and sometimes with sadness.

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Blue Heart T Shirt

Blue is the colour of the deep sea and the clear sky .
Pure blue, also known as high blue, is not mixed with any other colours.
Navy blue, also known as low blue, is the darkest shade of pure blue.
Sky blue or pale azure, mid-way on the RBG colour wheel between blue and cyan.
Extract of natural indigo,  the most popular blue dye before the invention of synthetic dyes. It was the colour of the first blue jeans.
A block of lapis lazuli,  originally used to make ultramarine.
Ultramarine, the most expensive blue during the Renaissance, is a slightly violet-blue.

History of Blue

Blue in the ancient world

Blue was a latecomer among colours used in art and decoration, as well as language and literature.[7] Reds, blacks, browns, and ochres are found in cave paintings from the Upper Paleolithic period, but not blue. Blue was also not used for dyeing fabric until long after red, ochre, pink and purple. This is probably due to the perennial difficulty of making good blue dyes and pigments. The earliest known blue dyes were made from plants - woad in Europe ingigo in Asia and Africa, while blue pigments were made from minerals, usually either lapis lazuli   or azurite

Lapis lazuli, a semi-precious stone, has been mined in Afghanistan for more than three thousand years, and was exported to all parts of the ancient world. In Iran and Mesopotamia, it was used to make jewellery and vessels. In Egypt, it was used for the eyebrows on the funeral mask of King Tutanhamun  (1341–1323 BC).
The cost of importing lapis lazuli by caravan across the desert from Afghanistan to Egypt was extremely high. Beginning in about 2500 BC, the ancient Egyptians began to produce their own blue pigment known as Egyptians blue, made by grinding silica, lime, copper   and heating it to 800 or 900 degrees C. This is considered the first synthetic pigment.Egyptian blue was used to paint wood, papyrus and canvas, and was used to colour a glaze to make faience beads, inlays, and pots. It was particularly used in funeral statuary and figurines and in tomb paintings. Blue was a considered a beneficial colour which would protect the dead against evil in the afterlife. Blue dye was also used to colour the cloth in which mummies were wrapped
In Egypt, blue was associated with the sky and with divinity. The Egyptian god Amun  could make his skin blue so that he could fly, invisible, across the sky. Blue could also protect against evil; many people around the Mediterranean still wear a blue amulet, representing the eye of God, to protect them from misfortune.
Blue glass was manufactured in Mesopotamia and Egypt as early as 2500 BC, using the same copper ingredients as Egyptian blue pigment. They also added cobalt, which produced a deeper blue, the same blue produced in the Middle Ages in the stained glass windows of the cathedrals of Saint-Denis and Chartres.

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